This Week in Civic Tech is a weekly roundup of all things that are happening.
Not much was going on last week, so this roundup will be short and include some more data-driven journalism. The Baltimore Sun is busy producing data-driven stories, and I love that they share their process and code. The National Geographic is known for beautiful visualizations, and they show it off again :) Visualizations The Shape of cities A TALE OF FIVE CITIES AND HOW THEY GREW Rail, roads, and real estate play a role in the physical shape of cities.
Visualizations Syracuse Snow Map What I love about this project is this comprehensive writeup of how they built it: And everything is Open Source on GitHub available for everyone to check out the code or reimplement it. It would be great if they included the link to the explanation on the map somewhere. The colors, especially the one for “Not yet plowed” does not work great with the basemap.
This week seem to be a slow week in visualizations and articles. But still, there were some interesting pieces. They mostly relate to transit but all cover different angles. We have Subway desserts in NY, runner data displaying segregation in Baltimore and a new way to visualize transit trips. Next week will include all the awesome things that happened on Saturday, March 2nd around the world on Open Data Day!
This week we have more articles than usual from newspapers using data-driven journalism. I really like that part of journalism and hope that more newspapers go that route. Especially the ones that publish their analysis so it can be reproduced or other newspapers can adapt it for their city. Visualizations Chicago Middle-class is shrinking. WBEZ Radio Chicago uses data and graphs from the Nathalie P. Voorhees Center for Neighborhood and Community Improvement at the University of Illinois at Chicago to produce an article with the title: “The Middle Class Is Shrinking Everywhere — In Chicago It’s Almost Gone”
This week is heavy on visualisations and maps again. Lot’s of interesting things were released last week. Visualizations Fighting Opioid Misuse by Monitoring Community Health This is a cool project by the City of Tempe, AZ using ArcGIS storymap and dashboard to explain opioids in wastewater collection. If you only look at the dashboard, it is not immediately obvious why only three areas have graphs, and three don‘t. But if you read the story map, it will be explained.
This week includes data visualisations about Trees in New York, Wildfires in California, Housing in Boston and Scooters in San Diego. I’m still figuring out the best approach to it, and if you have any suggestions please let me know :) Visualizations NYC Street Tree Map This one is not totally new but worth checking out and sharing. The New York City Street Tree Map brings New York City’s urban forest to your fingertips.
Volume 3 of my weekly roundup of visualizations, news and tweets in Civic Tech. The week was packed with great civic visualiations and fewer articles. Topics include Snow Clearing in Canada, civil forfeiture in SC, Cincinatti Heroin Incidents and more.
Week 2 of my collection of interesting things happening around Civic Tech, Open Data and Open Government. Still working on the right formats, length and time frame. If you have suggestions please get in touch, would love to know your opinion.
This week is a short one. A lot of tweets though :) Visualizations London Arts Map The collated data on the capital’s cultural locations is hoped to support local authorities, property developers and associations develop existing clusters and build creative infrastructure This map is a great start and typically for these kind of maps, where you throw a lot of data at the user. The clusters are a good way to convey the right amount of information.
This Week was a slow week for visualizations, but we have a lot of tweets of what folks talked about in Civic Tech. And the Shifting Neighborhoods story makes up for it, because it is so great. Visualizations SHIFTING NEIGHBORHOODS Gentrification and cultural displacement in American cities This report is sad but very well made. It looks at census tracts and their development over time and calculates if they are gentrified and if there is a social displacement happening as well.
This is the first post of an effort I want to make to collect all interesting articles, visualizations and data releases from the last 7 days. I will publish them on Fridays here and will email them out. This week has a lot of stuff in it because it is the first of the series. I'm still figuring out how to divide the content into sections. If you have suggestions, please get in touch.